
Xmas Greeting Cards 2010

So, they are finally here... Arrived on Saturday but had way too much to do and only just got round to taking photographs of the final product which is printed on FSC certified stock, satin coated outside for better colour reproduction (and because I can't stand gloss (Most of the times!)) leaving the insides uncoated so that you can scribble your lovely wishes!

P.S: Excuse the look of the photos,  I am yet to invest in a 'photography studio' ;-p

Skatebirdy, Birds & Bows, Twirling Pines and Fontmas Cards

All cards are now available to buy accompanied with a white envelope in various quantities. 
Please pre-order for delivery in time! 
47 Days to get those cards out in time for Christmas!

Keep updated on:
e-mail: fatimajamadar@gmail.com
